
Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Quiet Corners

L, checking out the books in her basket.

A newly implemented addition to our daily routine is a Quiet Hour.  The baby (well, he's 3 now!) usually still needs a nap, and everyone else can now READ!!  So I made some "Reading Baskets" for each child, and in the afternoon, around 1:30 or 2:00, they have Quiet Hour. 

I set a timer, everyone gets their book basket and goes to their space.  For my girls, this is on the floor beside their bed.  For my 5 year old boy, this is on the bed in our guest bedroom right now, because I need to have access to his book basket, and he does call out for help occasionally with a word.  

What the Quiet Hour looks like in L's corner.

Our reading baskets are not ONLY used during Quiet Hour, but can be used throughout the day.  Right now, our "Reading Baskets" contain:
  • Books they can read on their own at different levels - some easy, some more challenging.  For example, my 7 yo is at an upper 4th grade reading level, but many of the books in her basket are easier than that.
  • Books they can bring to me (or Dad or their big sister) to have read to them (not during Quiet Hour)
  • One children's Bible on their age level to look through or have read to them - The 7 yo has a devotional instead
  • A coloring book
  • Colored Pencils or Crayons
  • Drawing paper
  • A look and find book for the 5 yo and 6 yo (Where's Waldo?) 
 For this introverted homeschooling mama, that hour is a precious chance to refuel my energy, have some tea or coffee and read a little bit myself.  It improves my attitude, and everyone else's, to have a little quiet break in the afternoons.  We're loving it!